Aisiatar Abyligeiss
Aisiatar Abyligeiss @Mateus (Crystal DC)
Too much has changed for the roegadyn to remember what better days were like. Haunted by a past that left the scarred woman wanting, there were so few things left to hold on to, and even less worth reminiscing over. Those times have come and gone, with nightmares of those she failed to save being left behind.There is no guilt, not anymore, and if there is any that remained, it lay buried deep in the heart of her soul. Let others see the mangled scars for hands. Let others see the gouts of rage in the glacial paleness of her stare. Maybe then, they'll stay away.Or give her an excuse to hold back no longer.

Gender: Female
Race: Roegadyn
Age: 23
Height: 7'3"
Build: Growing stronger
Eyes: Silver/Pale
Distinguishing Marks: Dark, horizonal tattoo just beneath her right eye, and several notable scars where skin is revealed. One particular scar runs along the side of her neck, a pale thing that should have killed her. Mangled scars crisscross along her palms and knuckles, as if someone took a jagged rock and rubbed it across her skin.
Nameday: 6th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
Birthplace: Ala Mhigo
Residence: Unknown
Element: Ice
WithdrawnPale eyes were often dull whenever she was caught unaware. Gazing off into the distance, with the weight of longing and grief heavy on armored shoulders. Oftentimes did a bare, scarred hand reach up and rub the brass pendant that hung as a necklace – one of the reminders of lost days.

Dark KnightNo longer could she claim to be a fledgling dark knight. Having adapted and attuned to the soul crystal in her possession, those magically adept could sense a distinct watcher, which often hung about somewhere in her shadow. Another set of eyes that, sometimes, made itself known by peeking over the roegadyn's shoulder.
Faded Wanted PosterStrewn throughout Ul'dah were posters – most faded with time – of an escaped gladiator that bore a remarkable resemblance to Aisiatar, naming her as the long lost Crimson Knight. It claims the woman is the property of Lord Itellian Vicalian – a lalafellian Monetarist with hands dipped in the finer intricacies of gladiatorial combat – and that she fled before her debts could be paid in full. Some claim she's wanted for the death of another gladiator champion, and warn that she is violent and dangerous. From the wrinkled, worn appearance of some of these posters, she's been gone for quite a while.
Just A DreamHer face passed as a familiar stranger for some people. A sideways glance, perhaps the mark of her tattoo just below her eye, brought up the memory of one's most recent dreams. Her face was among those scattered in that murky remembrance, and to think on it too hard was to get the impression that whatever phantom stalked their dreams only did so in passing. As if it were searching for something.


Album Courtesy of: Sanarisse/Brea :)
Name: Knight
RP Experience: 7+ years or so, vast majority on WoW and other platforms, and still something of a newbie when it comes to FFXIV lore.
- Usually open to most RP, whether it lore-abiding, dark, spooky, or otherwise! (Not much romance or anything, more focused on relationship building and what not!)
- Currently in EST time zone, but my availability is spotty. We would have to discuss when we could RP!Walk ups are definitely welcome and adored. If you catch me out in some public venue, feel free to hit me up. I enjoy meeting new people.I do have Discord, but it's best to touch base with me first. :)